About Layton Education

Personal Story

I’m Emily Yoxall, the owner of Layton Education.

My journey with English began back when I was in primary school. As a fond reader and writer, I excelled in English and very quickly grew to love it as a subject. This extended through my GCSEs and A-Levels, where I continued to find English was a real love of mine - yes, I love writing essays!

It was during my A-Levels that I found my other passion: teaching. Nothing was more rewarding to me than knowing I could make someone else feel more confident or more supported in an area of their learning. I followed this passion and studied BA Education Studies at University College London. I was based at the Institute of Education, which has been awarded #1 in the world for education for 10 consecutive years. When I say university was my favourite time period of my educational journey, I really mean it. My knowledge and fascination with the world of education grew hugely (whilst making me question the entire way we run our education system!), and so I went on to gain my PGCE with much excitement.

I went on to teach a number of wonderful classes, but despite this I couldn’t help but find myself stuck. I was torn between loving teaching but knowing that teaching in a school wasn’t right for me. I often found myself desperately wanting to work one-to-one with pupils and small groups, helping tailor lessons to their specific needs, and I knew I couldn’t do that whilst factoring in 30 pupils.

After taking a break from the classroom environment, I began tutoring. Originally this was meant to be a temporary job, but I soon found it ticked all those boxes that couldn’t be fulfilled in the classroom setting. Thus, Layton Education was born.

Layton’s Aims

Layton Education does what the classroom setting cannot: provide personalised learning that factors in the pupil’s needs as the number one priority.

When establishing Layton Education, I knew that nothing would matter more than my pupil. Whether that was tackling exam anxiety, boosting confidence or helping pupils with SEND, pupil-led learning has always been my priority.

There is no feeling quite like the build up to exam season, or being asked a question in front of the whole class. I’ve been there and I remember it vividly. As a young person myself, I know how daunting it all feels, and that’s why I know how comforting it is having a supportive hand to reach out to.

No one can know everything, and no one can be perfect, but practice makes progress. My lessons are structured in this way. By combining engaging activities with repeated practice, learning becomes solidifed in the long term memory. That stops us worrying about information going in one ear and out the other!

I am a firm believer that every single learner is capable of achieving their goals, sometimes we just need someone who can adjust learning to help bridge that gap between the classroom and the goals. Layton Education offers that bridge to pupils.